Engineering a Cheerio-Pasta Tower

STEM-based learning is a big part of preschool right now. We want our children to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. But how do we teach engineering to preschoolers?? It is not as difficult as you may think! Through the actions of play and exploring with different materials, your child will learn about designing, problem solving, and constructing. This is a fun project that is simple to set up. Yet it gives your child many opportunities to try, fail, try again, and succeed!

cheerio pasta tower 1.JPG

Supplies Needed:


Spaghetti or Fettuccine Pasta

Penne Pasta (tubes)


What to Do:

  1. Begin by giving your child some playdough. Explain that this is the foundation for your tower. You can demonstrate how to create the base for your tower, but let your child figure out how he/she wants to start with this part. It is okay if the tower falls over - they are learning from that structural failure!

  2. Next give your child the spaghetti pasta. It may break as he/she attempts to stick it into the foundation. This is part of the process and your child will learn how to manipulate the pasta.

  3. Lastly, give your child the cheerios and penne pasta. Allow him/her to stack these items onto the pasta in any way. This offers an excellent opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

  4. To extend the project, suggest that your child make patterns with the pasta and cheerios.

Enjoy your engineering challenge!