Amazing Art

Fizzy Paints

This fun art project uses chemistry for some exciting and unique results! In fact, this is as much of a science lesson as it is an art activity. Your little one will have fun with the fizzy process and you will end up with a beautiful piece of artwork. Baking soda and vinegar are not just for volcanoes anymore!

Supplies Needed:

White Cardstock

Baking Soda


Food Coloring

Small Bowls

Water Droppers or Pipettes

Tray or cookie sheet

What to Do:

  1. Begin by laying the paper on the tray or cookie sheet. This will protect your tabletop or working surface.

  2. Cover the paper with a thin layer of baking soda.

  3. Mix your vinegar with a few drops of food coloring. Use a different bowl for each color that you want to make.

  4. Use a water dropper to drip your colored vinegar onto the baking soda. You will see the chemical reaction from the vinegar and baking soda. This is an acid-base reaction and the bubbles that are created are carbon dioxide.

  5. Use the different colors to make interesting designs and patterns all over your baking soda tray.

  6. When you are done, allow your creation to dry. Then brush off your baking soda to reveal a colorful piece of artwork below! You see that some area are blended and some are not, due to the baking soda. Each piece will be unique!

This was our artwork, before the baking soda was removed.